Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rails Sample App Status (part 2)

Whew! Finally got rvm installed after many false starts. Boy, I _love_ open source! No, I really do. Where else can you work on cool technology and solve really challenging puzzles -- together!

Yet again, I had proxy issues. This time I needed to set the proxy in the .gemrc file in my home directory. You need a line like this:

gem: --http-proxy

You fill in the blanks for your system if you are working behind a proxy.

The other thing I had to fix was the date. I am still working on getting the date to stay current on my Ubuntu 10.04 virtual machine. I am having network issues, but that's another story.

Because the date was way off, the rvm make step was confused and in an infinite loop filling up my disk with huge log files in the rvm log directory.

After manually setting the date, I was able to fetch and install ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.2. I set 1.9.2 as the default for now.

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