Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Random Grails Links

I recently attended a webinar entitled "What's new with Groovy & Grails Tooling in the SpringSource Tool Suite?"

I found it to be somewhat interesting. It was nice to see Grails development in a Eclipse based environment. Though it is still not as refined as Java development, it is a vast improvement.

I asked about whether who can deploy grails applications to vanilla Tomcat as opposed to their tc server. The answer I got was no, not yet. I am not sure whether I like the idea of being forced to use tc server. But I suspect there is more that needs to be discovered. I personally don't know of any technical reasons why a grails application, which is supposed to be just a Java runtime application, can't be deployed to native Tomcat. I guess I can try and see what happens.

Anyway, here is the blurb sent from VMware [] after the presentation. It contains some useful links at the bottom which I intend to dig into. I want to try the eclipse plugin for grails with STS and regular eclipse.

Thank you for joining last week’s webinar “What's new with Groovy & Grails Tooling in the SpringSource Tool Suite?” The webinar recording and slides are now posted.

This webinar covered the recent tooling improvements for Groovy & Grails now available in the SpringSource Tool Suite.

- SpringSource Tool Suite (STS) - provides the best Eclipse-powered development environment for building Spring-powered enterprise applications and supplies tools for all the latest enterprise Java, Spring, Groovy and Grails-based technologies. Also included with STS is the developer edition of vFabric tc Server. Download SpringSource Tool Suite today!

- Grails is an advanced and innovative open source web application platform delivering new levels of developer productivity. Visit to download Grails 1.3.6, view available Grails plugins, and get the latest news.

- Groovy is the leading open source dynamic language for the Java Virtual machine offering a flexible Java-like syntax that most Java developers can learn in a matter of hours. Visit to download Groovy 1.7, read the release notes and access other resources.

Additional resources include:
- STS+Grails FAQ:
- STS+Grails getting started guide
- Groovy Eclipse homepage
- Best place for help is the STS Forum
- SpringSource Team Blog

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